go down - definição. O que é go down. Significado, conceito
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O que (quem) é go down - definição

go down         
Go down; Go Down (disambiguation); Go Down (song)
1. be defeated in a contest.
2. be recorded or remembered in a particular way.
3. elicit a specified reaction.
4. N. Amer. informal happen.
5. Brit. informal be sent to prison.
6. Brit. informal finish one's studies and leave a university, especially Oxford or Cambridge.
go down         
Go down; Go Down (disambiguation); Go Down (song)
Be swallowed.
Be received, be admitted, pass current, be swallowed.
Fail, perish, be destroyed, come to nothing, come to nought.
go down         
Go down; Go Down (disambiguation); Go Down (song)
1) (d; intr.) ('to become known') to go down in as (to go down in history as a great ruler)
2) (D; intr.) ('to descend') to go down into (to go down into a mine)
3) (d; intr.) ('to descend') to go down to (to go down to the river)
4) (misc.) to go down to defeat


Go Down
Go Down may refer to:
Exemplos de pronúncia para go down
1. Go down! Go down!
Mr Deeds (2002)
2. go down.
Krauss _ Talks at Google
3. go down.
Thrive _ Arianna Huffington UK _ Talks at Google
4. We'd go down at winter, we'd go down at Easter,
Love, Loss and Inspiration _ Benji Bennett _ Talks at Google
5. – We should go down there. – We can't go down there.
Jumper (2008)
Exemplos do corpo de texto para go down
1. They should go down when interest rates go down," he said.
2. "I just want my gas to go down and my cost of living to go down," Allen said.
3. "I was innocent and I told him if I had to go down then I would go down innocent.
4. You know, obviously I wish the violence would go down, but not as much as the Iraqi citizens would wish the violence would go down.
5. During the demonstration while chatting slogans of «Bush go down», «America go down» the protestors pledged to continue Jihad and take revenge of the Shudah’s blood.